Request information about the study in different languages and formats. If you require information about the study in other languages or formats please contact the study team. Contact the Study Team You can call our office on 0131 242 2480 for any research-related reason, including to request help or information in other languages or formats. Please note: This is not a number for clinical enquiries relating to your pregnancy - please contact your local maternity or General Practitioner services. Mandarin Translations Document Central Booking Summary Leaflet - Mandarin Translation (286.83 KB / PDF) Document Participant Information Sheet - Mandarin Translation (426.86 KB / PDF) Document Extra DNA Consent - Mandarin Translation (304.98 KB / PDF) Document Extra Contact Consent - Mandarin Translation (251.24 KB / PDF) Document Withdrawal Form - Mandarin Translation (217.21 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2024-03-19