'Opt Out' Recruitment

Understand why our study is trialling automatic recruitment.

Please note

Opt Out recruitment is launching on 10/06/24 until further notice.

Thank you.

Why do we think 'Opt Out' recruitment is important?

The Born in Scotland study is trialling a number of recruitment and data gathering methods to assess the feasibility of a larger Scottish national roll-out. Over 800 pregnant participants have been recruited to date using an ‘opt in’ format, where people choose to sign-up.

The study now has permission to conduct a trial of ‘opt out’ recruitment, whereby consent is assumed unless pregnant individuals choose to withdraw. This is one of the first times that this recruitment method has been permitted in Scottish maternity research; it allows far greater inclusion of under-served groups and helps provide the most accurate data about the current pregnant population.

How does 'Opt Out' recruitment work?

By working together with NHS Lothian maternity services, we receive information about women and people who are newly pregnant. We automatically include everyone in the study, but are aware that not everyone will want to take part.

The research team are taking considerable steps to ensure those automatically included are aware of the study and know they can withdraw ("opt out"):

  • Information about the study and automatic inclusion is given out in every pregnancy ‘booking pack’ alongside routine early pregnancy information, provided centrally by NHS Lothian maternity services; 

  • Community midwives booking new pregnancies for maternity care will mention the study; 

  • Widespread media and social media awareness campaign.

What if I don't want to take part?

If you have been automatically included in the study, you always have the choice as to whether or not to take part in research. If you do not want to take part in Born in Scotland, please let us know by completing our withdrawal form. You do not have to give a reason. Withdrawing from the study will not affect your clinical care.

To withdraw, please fill in the form below or contact the study team if you need support to do this: 0131 242 2480

More information

Read the 'Opt Out' Participant Information Leaflet

If you have any questions please do get in touch:



DNA analysis

Information about giving optional consent for DNA analysis.


Information about giving optional consent to be contacted by the study team.