DNA consent

Information about giving optional consent for DNA analysis.

DNA analysis

Please note

Opt Out recruitment is launching on 10/06/24 until further notice.

Thank you.

Giving extra DNA consent

During the period of 'Opt Out' automatic recruitment, you can choose to give permission for DNA analysis of your blood that was 'leftover' from the samples collected as part of your routine pregnancy care. There are no extra appointments or blood tests - you just have to fill in a short consent form so that researchers can securely access your samples for analysis.

The DNA sample may be analysed to look for links between your DNA and your baby's birthweight, which could help scientists research how to make pregnancy and birth safer in the future.

As with all samples and data provided through the Born in Scotland study, they were be stored securely and anonymously under strict UK data laws. If you have any further questions, please do contact our team.