Information about our collaborative Patient & Public Involvement programme, bringing together NHS staff, researchers, patients, and the public. What is patient and public involvement? Patient and public involvement (PPI) means working with patients and members of the public as colleagues, who draw on their experience of illness, treatment and taking part in trials to help us to improve our service and our research. PPI in research refers to the active involvement of patients or the public in the research process – for instance in helping to plan, design or carry out research. Patients and the public can: help identify research questions and priorities look at research processes and advise researchers on how practical and acceptable they are to potential participants advise researchers on outcome measures and how meaningful and reliable they are to patients improve the language and accessibility of patient information and invitation letters help carry out study recruitment or data collection become advocates and disseminators of research findings. Contact CVS Research Nurse, Co-ordinator of Patient Engagement Activities: This article was published on 2024-03-19