Experimental and Equipment Risk Assessment

Information on Equipment and Experimental RAs

Any experiments you perform must be risk assessed. There are three parts to our RAs.

  • RA1 form; in this form you state all the risks associated with the task, including electrical, biological and chemical and then detail how these can be mitigated.
  • Safe System of Work (SSW); you provide a detailed protocol indicating where the risks are and how to safely dispose of any waste generated.
  • Annexe A; a list of all chemicals and the risks associated with them and how to safely dispose of working solutions as well as stocks.

The CVS has a repository of risk assessments which can be accessed by all lab based staff.

Please email your UUN to CVS.lab.Access@ed.ac.uk asking for access to the folder.

If you cannot find an RA for an experiment or equipment, please complete the blank forms for each section found on our H&S documents page.