Information on the documentation required for visitors to the CVS for the lab side. For information on administration and registering outside of UoE visitors or students, please go to CVS Admin and HR Visitor page.Before your visitor arrives, as their supervisor, you need to complete a Visitors Risk Assessment (VRA). Document CVS Visitor Risk Assessment (283.97 KB / DOCX) ALL VISITORS, REGARDLESS OF LENGTH OF STAY, REQUIRE A VRA.In this document, you will provideA brief description of the project,The types of samples to be handled (BA and GMO RAs)The techniques to be used to analyse them (procedural RAs)The equipment required and any specific inductions (equipment RAs)A list of the H&S Training courses to be completedInformation on further training as required e.g. TC, Radiation or Animal WorkAn index of all RAs is available in the CVS Risk Assessment Drive. In this way you can determine if all RAs are in place for this work. If there isn’t a risk assessment in place then you will need to write one. Please email for the relevant forms. Undergraduate Students IF YOU HAVE AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT, YOU OR THEIR DESIGNATED SECONDARY SUPERVISOR ARE EXPECTED TO BE ONSITE AT ALL TIMES. Once you have completed your VRA, please send to for review and approval. If your visitor is not registered with the University In addition to filling out a visitors risk assessment, see above, your visitor has to be registered with the University to be insured and have access to email and wifi (See CVS HR pages for information on how to do this).non UoE staff, visiting for longer than 5 days, are to be recorded on the university’s visitor registration system (VRS). If visiting for less than 5 days, they should be supervised at all times as not insured.non UoE students, visiting for longer than two weeks, are to be recorded on EUCLID. If their visit is for less than two weeks, if their visit is for less than two weeks they should be registered with the VRS see instructions above.ONCE YOUR VISITOR IS REGISTERED YOU SHOULD SEND THEIR VISITOR UUN TO SO THAT THEY CAN BE GIVEN ACCESS TO THE RA DRIVE. Once your visitor has arrived, as their supervisor, you need toSend them the approved VRA so they can read the required RAs and complete the appropriate trainingAsk them to fill in the Risk Assessment Signatory form and the training record.SEND COMPLETED TRAINING RECORD AND RA SIGNATORY FORM TO This article was published on 2024-09-20