Lab Management and Support Team

General information on the lab management and support staff and what they can assist with

We help to organise your H&S induction, lab and office space allocation, and assist you with the paperwork and training required for your post. We are also your port of call for lab-based information and advice.

Who Role Email Office Specifics
Catherine Duff Laboratory and Infrastructure Manager


Responsible for Laboratory Operations and Health and Safety and Infrastructure Provision

Chair of CVS Health and Safety Committee

CVS Representative on Edinburgh Bioquarter Operations and GMO Committees

Manages Tissue Culture facilities

Neil Johnston East Lab Module Manager C3.02

CVS Biological Materials Transport Adviser

Chair of the CVS Sustainability committee

Specific knowledge of biochemical assay techniques such as HPLC, ELISA, and RIA

Karen French Centre Lab Module Manager C3.02

CVS Radiation Protection Supervisor

Manages lab ordering in the CVS

Specific knowledge of molecular techniques

Manages Tissue Culture facilities

Sarah Caughey West Lab Module Manager C3.02

Specific knowledge on Health and Safety documentation and audits

Manages Tissue Culture facilities

Myra Park H&S Training Records Manager C3.02

Manages the CVS H&S training and Occupational Health records

Specific knowledge of Learn, Cardinus and the COSHH Health Passport

Part of the lab ordering team in the CVS

Liga Pavlova Lab Support E3.28 Deliveries, lab waste, local recycling, stock solutions and lab and TC consumables
Magda Malec Lab Support E3.28 Deliveries, lab waste, local recycling, stock solutions and lab and TC consumables
Ann Barr Lab Support E3.28 Deliveries, lab waste, local recycling, stock solutions and lab and TC consumables