CVS lists of chemicals, lab consumables and lab equipment These are extensive but far from conclusive list of chemicals and consumables that CVS Lab Management provide for the main CVS Labs. If you can't find the chemical you require please contact CVS Lab Management who hold a chemical and consumable register for items in the CVS. Chemicals Acetic Acid Acetone Agarose Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Hydroxide Beta Mercaptoethanol Boric Acid Chloroform DMSO EDTA EGTA Ethanol Ethyl Acetate Gel Red Gel Green Glycerol Glycine Glucose Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Isopropanol Methanol Methylated Spirits PBS Tablets PH Indicator Solutions Potassium Chloride Potassium Phosphate monobasic Sodium Citrate dibasic Sodium Chloride Sodium Deoxycholate Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Phosphate dibasic Sucrose Trizma base Tween 20 Xylene Zinc Chloride Consumables aluminium foil autoclave tape bags minigrip 60x60mm bags minigrip 100x140mm bags minigrip 125x190mm bags minigrip 190x190mm bags minigrip 205x280mm bags minigrip 230x325mm biobins Orange 2L biobins Yellow 2L cling film containers 7ml Glass bijou containers 7ml sterile Bijou containers 20ml glass containers 28ml glass containers 30ml containers 60ml containers 150ml culture tubes glass 12x75mm detergent- cleanline bactericidal detergent-decon 90 gloves xsmall (sensitive) gloves small (sensitive) gloves medium (sensitive) gloves large (sensitive) gloves xlarge (sensitive) IPA wipes 70% microplates 96 well (greiner) microscope coverslips 22x50 microscope slides,twin frosted 76x26mm needles 18G needles 19G needles 20G needles 21G needles 23G needles 25G needles 26G needles 27G parafilm (100mm wide) pasteur pipettes 1ml (sterile) pasteur pipettes 3ml (non-sterile) pasteur pipettes glass 150mm pasteur pipettes glass 230mm petri dishes 60mm petri dishes 100mm pipette tips P10 (filter) Greiner pipette tips P20 (filter) Greiner pipette tips P200 (filter) Greiner pipette tips P1000 (filter) Greiner pipette tips P20 (filter) LTS Rainin pipette tips P200 (filter) LTS Rainin pipette tips P1200 (filter) LTS Rainin pipette tips P10 (filter) Sarstedt pipette tips P20 (filter) Sarstedt pipette tips P200 (filter) Sarstedt pipette tips P1000 (filter) Sarstedt pipette tips P200 (unfiltered) Greiner pipette tips P1000 (unfiltered) Greiner pipette tips P10 (unfiltered) Starlab pipette tips P20 (unfiltered) Starlab pipette tips P200 (unfiltered) Starlab pipette tips P1000 (unfiltered) Starlab pipette tips P5000 (unfiltered) Gilson pipette tips P10000 (unfiltered) Gilson scalpels 10A scalpels 15 scalpels 23 spatulas disposable spray bottles swabs Sweetie Jars 2.5l Sweetie Jars 4.25l syringes 1ml syringes 2ml syringes 5ml syringes 10ml syringes 20ml syringes 50ml syringe filter 0.2um syringe filter 0.45um thermal paper (gel doc) Tubes PCR Strips with Lid 0.2ml Starlab) Tubes PCR Sapphire 0.2ml (Greiner) Tubes PCR Strips no lid (Starlab) supplied with flat lid strips Tubes 0.5ml Sarstedt tubes Tubes 1.5ml Sarstedt tubes Tubes 0.5ml Greiner tubes Tubes 1.5ml Greiner tubes Tubes 2ml round bottomed ( Sarstedt) Tube 2ml screw capped tubes (Sarstedt) Tubes 5ml Eppendorf 5ml (SLS) Tubes 5ml PS Non Sterile FACs Falcon polystyrene 12x75mm Tubes 15ml Greiner Tubes 50ml Greiner tissues virkon tablets weighing boats 30ml weighing boats 100ml weighing boats 250ml wypall wipes Equipment Please contact CVS Lab Management This article was published on 2024-03-19