Leave recording – students and staff on secondment from NHS

Information on recording leave for CVS students and staff on secondment from the NHS

All students and staff who are seconded to CVS must complete the online form to request annual leave, sick leave, and all other leave types.

CVS Online Leave Form

If you are unable to access the form please email lorna.brown@ed.ac.uk to request access.

The form has workflow built in to allow your line manager to authorise your request.


Please follow the guidance below to complete the form:

Your Name – enter your name

Type of Leave – select the leave type you are requesting from the dropdown menu

Sick Reason – if you are recording sick leave please select the reason from the dropdown menu

Other leave reason – enter further details, for example conference name

Leave Start Date – select the date you want your leave to start

Leave End Date – select the date your leave ends (inclusive)

Number of Days/Hours – do not include weekend days. If working part time, only include days on which you work

Line Manager email address – type in your line manager’s email address; ensure it is correct

Press Save once complete


The selected email address will generate an email allowing the line manager/1st supervisor to approve your leave request.

Approval emails will be from "Microsoft Flow" and the subject will say "Leave Request for BLOGGS Joe".

The CVS administration team receive an automatic notification that a request has been approved. No further information is required.

Once authorised, the individual requesting the leave will receive an approval email.

The CVS administration team will keep a record of any leave taken that has been requested using the online form.

Individuals are encouraged to keep a personal record of leave taken.