School Visits & Lab Tours

The Centre for Cardiovascular Science hosts a number of lab tours and school visits in an effort to provide pupils and politicians an opportunity to learn about our research and facilities first-hand.

Combination of 3 image. Two of CVS students visiting schools, one of Roseanna Cunningham MSP visiting CVS
Image one: CVS students Ben Thomas and Manolis Solomonidis at Liberton Primary school to teach about heart health. Image two: Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform on a visit to CVS. Image three: CVS students, Hannah Costello, Olivia Matthews, Manolis Solomonidis and Ben Thomas visiting Bannockburn High School in Stirling for a STEM event as part of a collaboration between the British Heart Foundation and STEM East.

If you are interested in having some of our researchers visit your school to talk about cardiovascular health, please contact the Impact and Engagement administrator. We will try to accommodate requests for visits, but cannot guarantee that staffing and resources will always allow for this.