Health and Safety Audits

CVS Audit Procedures

Audits are an essential part of H&S. They are an opportunity to ensure that the controls we have in place, to ensure that we are all working safely, are still valid. There are various types of audits:

Annual CVS H&S audit:  The EBQ H&S manager will walk around our labs to ensure that we are working safely. During these audits Lindsay will

  • Check that we have risk assessments in place for the work you are doing, and that they have been reviewed recently.
  • Hazardous substances are stored correctly.
  • Check that you are adhering to the risk assessment for the work that you are doing in the lab.
  • Waste is dealt with correctly.

We are sent a report describing any areas of concern which we are expected to address.


Weekly lab management walk through: The lab managers will walk through the lab each week to ensure that you are adhering to safe practices. Any breaches will be communicated to users of the labs.


Annual audit of Risk assessments: You are expected to review your GM, BA, COSHH and procedural risk assessments regularly. Generally annually, but also if there is an accident or if there is a significant change to what you are doing.

The CVS H&S Team will send you instructions on how to do this.

You should also use this as an opportunity to update your Project SSW and training record.