Details on the basic mandatory H&S training for new starts and visitors Please see below for the basic mandatory H&S training you are required to do. All training should be documented on your personal training record. Further specific training should be detailed on your PSSW or VRA, please see our various web-pages for more information (links below). Tissue Culture Radiation Microbiology 'Bug' Lab CVS Specific Instrument and Equipment Courses for all staff and students: Edinburgh BioQuarter H&S manager Lindsay Murray EbQ site Induction Late and Lone working Risk Assessment Training Clinic Please use button below to check safety Bulletin for course dates and book directly with Lindsay will send us your certificates. Bulletins University of Edinburgh H&S mandatory courses Staff and postgraduate students Only: Fire safety awareness Home Working Healthy Working Manual Handling Cardinus system Please email certificates to Undergraduates Only Student Ergonomics Student ergonomics Please email certificates to University of Edinburgh Sustainability mandatory courses Introduction to Sustainability Please note there are different links for staff and students and be sure to click on the correct link. Introduction to Sustainability Please email confirmation that you have completed to Courses for Lab Based Staff and Students CVS required H&S courses on Learn ********ADVICE NOTE: SEPTEMBER 2023****** We have become aware the UoE Safety Training Department are in the process of moving courses from Learn to Learn Ultra and/or P&M, these are happening over the next couple of months. This will mean there are different methods for Staff and Students to access the courses. If you find you are unable to access a course via the link below, please try this link - Online course migration | The University of Edinburgh - and see if the course has changed location. There also should be links on that page which will direct you to the new course. ********************************************* Introduction to Biological Safety (Course ID: zu_introduction_to_biosafety) Transport of Biological materials (Course ID: zu_transport_of_biological_materials) Controlled use of substances hazardous to health (COSHH, Course ID: zu_practical_coshh_assessment_ultra) Please email certificates to Edinburgh BioQuarter H&S Presentations How to avoid sharps injuries Spills training Training presentations Please email confirmation that you have read to This article was published on 2024-03-19