Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome as Drivers of Cardiovascular Research

Information on Theme 1 of the Edinburgh BHF Centre of Research Excellence

The aim of this theme is to identify therapeutically targetable immunometabolic drivers of cardiovascular disease across the life course in order to prevent disease, by applying hypothesis-driven and hypothesis-generating genetic approaches to Scottish human cohorts and ‘cradle-to-grave’ healthcare data, and aligning this early with animal modelling and experimental medicine.

Principal Investigators

Professor Robert Semple (theme lead)

Professor Trian Chavakis

Professor Nik Morton

Professor Ewan Pearson

Professor Rebecca Reynolds

Professor Scott Webster

Theme Objectives

  1. To optimise genetic approaches for identification of therapeutically targetable metabolic drivers of CVD.
  2. To determine how genes and drugs interact to determine cardiometabolic disease outcomes.
  3. To delineate the targetable molecular mechanisms linking adipose inflammation to CVD.
  4. To ascertain targetable mechanisms, among 1-3 above, that drive the low birthweight-CVD risk association.